Iron Chlorosis Treatments
Iron Chlorosis is a common problem in Utah. Our soil ph and lack of iron make it difficult for trees to photosynthesize properly. This problem is mostly due to the fact that this area used to be the bottom of Lake Bonneville.
HOw to Identify possible Iron Chlorosis
Signs of iron Chlorosis are yellowing of foliage with the darkest green being the veins of the leaves.
Is Iron Chlorosis Deadly to plants
It can be, trees need available iron to properly grow and be healthy. Eventually plants can loose their leaves completely and eventually die.
No Treatments
No Treatments
How we you treat Iron Chlorosis?
We use sulfur to adjust soil ph to make iron available to the plant and add iron into the soil for recovery.
After 1 year
After 1 year
Why should I get iron treatments
Trees add a lot of value to your home not only by providing shade and aesthetically but, also literally. Healthy trees can increase property values by tens of thousands of dollars and in some cases are irreplaceable.
How much are Iron Chlorosis Treatments